Covid Slide: How do we Keep our Learners On-track?
The term “covid slide” is being thrown around quite a bit lately and with good reason. The educational world is reeling from a year (two school years) of chaos, forced innovation, and fear. And now that we can stop and look back, we’re left with a crucial question: What have our students learned over the last year? Excuse me, perhaps the better question is, What haven’t our students learned over the last year? The relevant concern with parents and students is how to proceed while ensuring that our children are being assessed fairly. But is skill non-attainment a disaster for our students? I highly doubt it. Although “covid slide” is a very real concern that impacts learners, there are steps that parents and students can take to remediate untaught skills and to stay on track for success. What is “covid slide”, and why is it serious? From March 2020 until now, educators, learners, and parents have experienced an educational world rapidly t...